How to Choose the Right Electrician Training Program

How to Choose the Right Electrician Training Program

Do you want to become an electrician, but not sure which Electrician training program is right for you? There are a few questions that you can ask about your educational opportunity to find a program that fits your needs. The way you answer the following questions will guide you through your journey to becoming an electrician.

 How to Choose the Right Electrician Training Program

When choosing the right electrician training program, you should answer a few questions to identify a good fit for you. These questions include:

How Long is the Training Program?

Did you know that you can complete the Electrician program at Ohio Business College in as little as 9 months? If you don’t want to spend 2 years in school to become a trade professional, you can attend the Electrician program at OBC. How can we do that? Our curriculum is solely focused on training you to become an electrician. We don’t require you to take electives that don’t directly prepare you to become an electrician. You learn only what you need to know.

Plus, attending this 9-month program means you can get out of the classroom quickly and start earning as an apprentice faster. While you can start as an apprentice right away, getting a formal education will close any knowledge gaps that only present themselves when you are on the job and under the watchful eye of a customer. Attending a formal electrician program gives you a well-rounded education so you can take on any challenge you may face working with real life customers.

Is The College Campus Located Near Me?

No one likes a long commute. However, to learn about electrical systems, you must get hands-on training in a workshop to fully understand how to perform your duties as an electrician. Since it is important to attend college in person, the next best thing is a shorter commute. Ohio Business College offers the Electrician training program at our Lorain County and Dayton campuses, giving an opportunity for you to travel to the campus closest to you to start an important journey toward a career as an electrician.

Is the Electrician Training Program Accredited?

Accreditation is important, and it signifies that the program has met standards set by governing bodies of occupational industries. Ohio Business College has been accredited by the Council on Occupational Education. We are also members of many important organizations like the Ohio Association of Career Colleges and Schools. Make sure that the Electrician program you choose is fully accredited so when you start working you have the right credentials. Employers want to know that their candidates are trained by an accredited program, make sure that this is the case by choosing Ohio Business College.

Does the Program Offer Hands-on Training?

An important part of any educational opportunity is hands-on training. It is important to put the classroom theory to the test in a supervised workshop. At Ohio Business College, you will hone your skills with industry standard equipment, so you can build confidence when the time comes to work on a customer’s wiring, cabling, and connections.

How Big are the Classes?

Don’t want to get lost in a sea of students in a big lecture hall? Ohio Business College offers small class sizes so that the instructor can personalize the curriculum to match your learning needs. You will have every opportunity to talk with the instructor and create bonds with classmates that may last a lifetime. This is a great way to network within the industry because you never know when you will need help to fill an employment gap.

Is the Program Flexible to My Schedule?

Do you have responsibilities that you must attend to while you are completing your education? Ohio Business College offers both day and evening classes for those that need more flexibility in their schedule. Whether you are taking care of a family member, working to pay the bills, or just want a better work/life balance, Ohio Business College offers flexible classes that fit into your schedule. We know you are busy, and we want to be flexible to help you succeed.

Does the College offer Financial Aid?

It is great when students can get financial assistance to pay for their tuition. The good news is that Ohio Business College offers financial aid to those that qualify. We will help you fill out your FAFSA form and remind you about the deadlines for submission. We support government backed assistance, worker programs, employer tuition reimbursement and student loans. A formal education is a great investment that can lead to higher earnings and job advancement. Let Ohio Business College’s Financial Aid Administrator offer step-by-step instructions on how to apply for financial aid.

Does the College Offer Job Placement After Graduation?

The best part about getting a formal education is that you get job placement assistance after graduation. Ohio Business College has strong ties with the community and employers know that graduates are ready to start working after graduation. OBC takes pride that we can place graduates in apprenticeships that will help them pursue their dreams as an electrician. Let us help you find the dream job that matches your passion.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to choose the right Electrician training program, it is time to learn more about Ohio Business College. Electricity powers the world, and there will always be a need for professional electricians. Take the first step toward a rewarding career, and Ohio Business College will be with you every step of the way.

Want to Learn More?

The Electrician Diploma program at Ohio Business College is geared toward the hands-on training that you need to step right into the workforce as a junior electrician. Students learn theory in the classroom and then apply those skills in a lab setting, including the installation and maintenance of electrical wiring, transformers, a/c and d/c motor control circuits, instrumentation, and programmable logic controller, and more. 

Contact us today to learn more about our Electrician program today.