Career School Program Finder: Answer 2 Questions About Your Dream Job

Career School Program Finder: Answer 2 Questions About Your Dream Job

 Finding the best career school program for your goals is an important step toward your future. You might be wondering, “What career is right for me?” or “How do I decide on the right training program for that career?”

Your education is an investment, and we believe in getting it right. According to USA Today College and National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, 37.2% of undergraduate college students who started school in 2008 transferred at least once. This rising rate of transfers reflects a growing pattern of mismatching students to programs and schools. Many of those transfer students experience frustration with the college experience and feelings of setback.

If a student knows what they want to do, and understands the training they need to get there before they choose a program, the number of transfers could start to shrink.

We want to reduce the need to transfer schools by matching you with the right program for your career goals before you even enroll. Whether you’re interested in a medical or business career, you can find the best fit by identifying your current career level and the job titles you aspire to.

Take the 2-question job quiz in our interactive Program Finder, and we’ll match you with the best medical or business career school training program for the job title that fits your interests. Start the job quiz now.