4 Habits of Effective Job Seekers

4 Habits of Effective Job Seekers

Attention all current and future job seekers: You have more control over the trajectory of your career than you might think.

That’s right! Even in a down market, you can create desired outcomes and secure the jobs and positions you want. How? Assume the habits of highly successful job hunters by employing these four effective job search strategies:

  • Network whenever and wherever you can.

Networking – it’s one of the oldest tactics in the books, but it’s still one of the most effective.

According to John Bennett, Director of the Master of Science at the McColl School of Business, an estimated 60-80% of jobs are found through personal relationships.

When an opportunity to network emerges, introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, and get to know new people. It doesn’t matter if you’re at a coffee shop, a professional function, on the city bus, or at your current place of employment. Networking opportunities are everywhere, and you never know where one conversation or one new connection may lead to.

  • Boost your credentials.

There is no substitute for a highly refined skillset and advanced education credentials. Ask yourself, “What are my career goals?”

Once you thoroughly answer this question and know where you want to take your career, you can start looking for degree programs, seminars, certifications, and industry conferences that will grow your knowledge and make you invaluable to employers during your job search.

  • Enhance your resume.

Did you know, according to Financial Post, employers and recruiters will only spend about six seconds looking at your resume?2

The importance of having a good resume cannot be overstated. First impressions are everything and your resume will either speak volumes about you and make you stand out, or allow you to get overlooked by a potential employer.

Before you start looking for a new job, spend some time fine-tuning your resume, and if possible, have a professional review your resume.

  • Practice interviewing.

If your resume passes the test and you get the call for an in-person interview, make sure you’re ready to bring your A-game. Polish and perfect your interview skills by practicing using these proven techniques:

  1. Ask a friend or family member to role-play with you, and have them ask you popular interview questions. Work on delivering your answers in a calm, composed manner.
  2. Speak into a voice recorder and play your performance back to yourself. Critique and improve your answers and tone.
  3. Interview yourself in front of a mirror. Seeing how you look – both in appearance and nonverbal presentation – can be particularly helpful in improving your interview skills.

Job hunting can either be a dreaded, overwhelming task, or an exciting, rewarding process. When you’re looking for your next career opportunity, make it the latter and employ effective job hunting skills.

Find more career guidance on our blog:

4 Reasons Why You Need to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone to Achieve Your Professional Potential

6 Steps to a More Confident, Professional You

7 Tips to Boost Your Professional Network on LinkedIn

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1 Driscoll, Emily. Fox Business. It's all About Who You Know: Networking to Get a Job. Accessed December 9, 2017. http://www.foxbusiness.com/features/2011/04/25/know-networking-job.html.

2 Santos, Megan. Financial Post. Employers only look at your resumé for six seconds? The numbers you need to know for job hunting. Accessed December 9, 2017. http://business.financialpost.com/executive/careers/employers-only-look-at-your-resume-for-six-seconds-the-numbers-you-need-to-know-for-job-hunting.